Sunday, October 19, 2008

Arisaema "Jack in the Pulpit"

People often think of planting tulips, daffodils and crocuses in the fall. These are not the only bulbs you can plant. Why not try trillium or other native wildflowers? I just bought a large Arisaema speciosum var mirabile (Jack in the Pulpit) that is hardy in my area, Zone 7 with protection. This plant is from the forests 9,000 feet or more in the Himalayas of Nepal and south west China. The native Jack in the Pulpit is Arisaema triphyllum which is native to the NE United States. Arisaema can be found in many parts of the world like eastern, central Africa, Asia and eastern United States. The Jack in the Pulpit has one divided leaf . It appears that I grow plants with only one leaf like the Amorphophallus. Rest assure, I grow other many leaf plants…..

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